Wednesday, November 23, 2005

GO Train can't go

Today was pretty interesting .... and annoying. This morning was freakin cold and my right ear is still clogged from yesterday. Grrr. So I go to the Go train platform to catch the 7:00 am Train. After about 8 minutes, it was announced that there was a freight train that was blocking the way so the GO train couldn't move forward. Apparantly, the freight train was disabled. I thought that it wouldn't take long before they got things working again so I continued waiting in the freazing cold. Again, another announcement was made that the problem was still being worked on. After 2 more anouncements of no progress, I decided to wait in the terminal building. So I wait ... and I wait. By then there were about 4 trainloads of people, but we all patiently waited, calmly realizing that we'd probably be late. After about an hour, the announcer tells us that the GO train would not be stopping at Meadowvale and that buses would shuttle us to the Streetsville station where we will board the train. I was like, you'vee got to be kidding! I couldn't even call work because 1) I didn't have a celphone, 2) I didn't have my supervisor's number and 3) there was a loooong lineup at the payphone. So there are like a million people waiting for buses which took a while to arrive one by one. Good thing I was able to get into the third bus, after discretely forcing my way into it with hands and feet almost frozen. We arrived in Streetsville after 20 minutes, boarded the GO train then waited another 15 minutes or so. I got to the office at about 9:50, a full 2 hours later than my usual time. My supervisor was understanding which was good, but I wanted to be early today so that I wouldn't feel guilty about having to leave extra early on Friday for a doctor's appointment. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me

Today I turned 23. Funny, I don't feel it. I don't even feel like I'm 19. These past few days, I've been remembering, or should I say, reminiscing about the past. From when I was little fighting in TKD tournaments, to life in highschool in Pisay to the past 5 or 6 years in Canada that I feel have been unfruitful in terms of my personal life ... that I realize I should have made the most out of. There are still many things I feel I need to accomplish. My studies, Taekwondo, my professional career and my personal development. I haven't made very good use of my talents and haven't fully taken advantage of the opportunities that have come my way. Part of is due simply to laziness, and part of it is also because of the fear of failure and embarassment. I've passed up on a lot of things, and many times I've regretted it. My only wish on this day is that I gain and develop the wisdom and courage to live a fruitful life. I am thankful for my family and the way I was raised. I am thankful for all the graces and blessings that I have received. Never in my life have I felt the pain and suffering of having nothing to eat on the table or being unloved. I have received plenty of opportnities to improve myself and my future. I blame only myself for not making the most of them.

Perhaps, the only other thing that is missing in my life is someone to whom I can give my attention and affection. Probably, in my heart, that person is in the Philippines. Who knows, maybe I will see her again and I will be able to open up to her. It risks our friendship, but what have I got to lose? Or perhaps, that person is somewhere else in the world, maybe closer than I think. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, life continues. The days are met by the sun, and the nights by the moon. The seasons continue their cycle, and the stars shine as bright. Once again, my days of emptiness begin.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tour Guiding for Dummies

Whoa! That was definitely f'd up. This morning I was asked to take a group of Grade 9 students on a short tour of the floor. Being here barely 2 months, I'm not very familiar with the different sections and their functions and so had to stick to one liners without a lot of explanation. Bummer. Based on what I just did, I don't think that I would make a very good tour guide ^_^;. I think the kids' teachers were a bit dissapointed, cuz not much was really said to explain the different functions of the different groups in the floor. Oh well, better luck next time. My supervisor's request to tour the kids was sudden, so I didn't have any time to prepare. The kids seemed fairly interested though, probably a little bewildered by what they saw. Some of them actually asked some questions, though their questions were about little things like wanting to know about the phone panel and the lunch hours. ^_^; .