Thursday, August 10, 2006

Solitudes v2

It seems so long ago, yet only recently
That in a fleeting moment
You came true
Then just as quickly
You vanished like a dream

Your memory hurts me
Your image haunts me
I hear your voice
You ravage my mind

Leave me alone
Please, go away
Let me live my life
Let me forget
What could have been, what might have been
What would never happen
What should have been said

I yearn and I long
But for what?
There is no hope, no chance
I know this ... I know
And I try to move on

I can't concentrate
I can't focus
I keep feeling pain in my chest

I wake up in the middle of the night
I can't sleep, I can't rest
I'm tired
I'm exhausted
I lay writhing in my bed

Lord, give me peace of mind and give me strength
Give me the strength to carry on
To live my life without regrets
And to live it to the fullest

I'd like to look back
But for now I musn't
I must forget
Or at least, set it aside
I must accept my fate
I have no choice
I'll wait for the pain to subside

I'll get back on my feet
And you will torture me no more
I won't let you, I will not concede
My anguish shall sieze
And my resolve will return

In the meantime, life continues
The days are met by the sun, and the nights by the moon
The seasons continue their cycle
And the stars shine as bright

Once again, my days of emptiness begin


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