Monday, February 27, 2006

GMA and Democracy isn't always best

Posted on Pinoyexchange in response to GMA's declaration of a state of emergency after an alleged coup attempt:

Pro-Gloria ako. What's important in our country is stability. GMA has to put things in order to give the country a chance to progress. She's not perfect, and she may be a thief like most politicians, but if her programs and reforms are working, then I think it's alright. Again and again our country has stopped and taken 2 steps back after moving forward. We have never, after the Marcos reign, had a continually strong and stable government. Each and every time, the momentum we gained is lost because of elements that take every opportunity to thwart the government's rule. Some people talk about democracy being violated, but sometimes, democracy has to be put aside to bring back order. Democracy won't work if the people make questionable decisions. All this chaos is doing nothing for our country. It's disruptive and unproductive. If martial law is required to get things back in order and move the country in the right direction, then I'm all for it. Some say that cheating is wrong and must not be tolerated ever. So should a starving person not steal bread to feed his family if he had no other choice? That's a form of cheating too, but sometimes, it needs to be done to make things better. A lot of us are idealistic, but not realistic. If rigging the vote was needed to prevent an obviously inexperienced, and incapable person (who is now dead by the way) from assuming the seat of power, then it must be done, for the sake of the country's well-being. Is it a case of getting the lesser of two evils? Sure it is, but getting the lesser is still better. FVR brought us up, then Erap ran us to the ground. Did we need a change which required us to force him out? Yes we did. It had to be done. Then we had a choice between GMA and FPJ. GMA's candidacy is self explanatory, but how can one explain FPJ's candidacy? Was he taking advantage of his popularity with the masses? Yes. Did he have ties to Erap? Yes. Did he ever in his life govern or been involved with any form of governance or lawmaking? No. So how can one even think of putting the fate of the country on this man's shoulders? Yet, some people harp about democracy. The problem is that democracy is useless if people don't know how to properly excercise it. If this so called democracy actually results in wrong decisions and a bleaker future for our country, then democracy should be set aside. So now, we have Gloria running the show. Is she more experienced and does she have the credentials to be president? Yes. Would continuing her already established programs in her second term be beneficial? Yes. Was she involved in some thievery? Most likely. But under her administration, did the country have one of it's fastest, if not fastest, economic growth spurts? Yes. Do constant disruptions in the government's activities hurt the economy and alter foreign investment intentions? Yes. Some people say that unless she is ousted, no real reforms will take place. But what reforms are we talking about? The Philippines, as it is, needs mostly economic reforms. That is the priority. Despite her shortcomings, GMA has done well in this front. So if this is the case, wouldn't it be prudent to continue with her leadership until her term ends? We cannot just change presidents at a whim ... especially if economic progress has been promising. And even if we could, is there anyone at present who is truly capable of leading this country? I don't think so. So I support GMA, and I hope she is able to weather the storm and not let the country's stability go by the wayside. This country needs order. And the sooner it is achieved, the better it would be for us all.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Yay! My first tire change!

Yay! Today was the first time I changed my car's tire. Took long enough. Thank goodness it didn't blow out in the road. Took me about an hour or so to replace the tire with a spare which is quite a long time. The problem was that there was no manual, so I had to consult a few sources. At first, I couldn't find the damn spare. Little did I know that it was under the van. But after I found it, things went a bit smoother. Good thing the jack didn't move cuz it was standing on a fairly slanted surface with some snow. Anyways, just had to write about this cuz I'm having this nice sense of accomplishment. Guess I'm not as hopeless with vehicles as I think!