Tuesday, June 21, 2005

This Day in History .... and I got a job!

Actually, it's yesterday in history. Cardinal Jaime Sin, former archbishop of Manila passed away yesterday, June 20 at the age of 76. I never thought he would die so young. He was a great leader for the Roman Catholic masses in the Philippines, and although he had some flaws I hope meets his maker in Heaven.

In other news .... I got a job!! Well, at least I think I did. I got ranked for two of the jobs I applied for but you really never know with these things. The last time I got ranked I think I didn't get anything. This morning, I checked the Jobmine site and there was no sign that I was matched to a job. So I tried to apply to a new job in a new posting and found that I wasn't authorized to apply. Intrigued, I checked the CECS website and looked at the Acceptance of Employment Interviews schedule and lo and behold! My name was there! Woopeee! I'm sure as heck hoping that that means I got matched with a job! Boy, all I can say is ... Thank You Lord! Once again, I have been given an opportunity in life, even if I may be unworthy of it. There is nothing more I can say about the blessings I have received. This Thursday is my meeting with the field coordinator. I can't wait for that day when I sign on the dotted line. Man, I hope I don't screw this job up. No time for feeling lazy on the job. Gotta work my ass off so that I get the most out of it. Gonna prove those assholes who didn't offer me the job that I can do the job and do it well! Booyaka!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Recipe: Salmon and Scrambled Eggs

Wow, who would've thought that Salmon would go well with scrambled eggs. The saltiness and spiciness of the salmon go really well with the neutral taste of eggs. This is a great breakfast item.

For the Salmon

Garlic, minced
Onion, minced
Black pepper
Onion powder, just a little
Hot pepper flakes
Sugar, a little
Dry parsley and basil
Olive oil
Salmon fillets

Mix spices and olive oil together to make a paste. Smother on one side of the salmon fillets. Broil on high until a dark brown crust forms on the salmon.

Next, make regular scrambled eggs with a little garlic powder mixed in. Remove from pan. Flake the salmon and add to the scrambled eggs. Mix well. Sprinkle with chopped green onions if desired. Done!

Friday, June 17, 2005

What!? No offers?

Bummer. Today I checked the Jobmine rankings and I was ranked by two of my employers. No offers :( . I'm a little dissappointed but these things happen and there's no point in sulking and being discouraged. If nothing comes out of this interview cycle, I just hope I'm able to do well in the second cycle without it affecting my academic performance.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My.. back.. aches. What a day!

Whew! Boy I'm tired. Had two phone interviews and two midterms and one assignment due today. I am spent. Interview with Finance went like crap. I mixed up my inflation theory and totally blacked out when I was asked how I would prioritize two projects with the same deadline needed by two high level people. Should've just said screw both of ya! Interview with Scotia Capital went pretty smoothly but was really short. Its perplexing cuz at the beginning, I was told that I was gonna be given an overview while the person interviewing was waiting for the other interviewer. After a few questions which weren't really hard, they asked me if I had questions. I thought the interviewers just wanted to know if I had questions before asking me more questions, so I just asked them a few. Then before I knew it, they said ok and that the interview was good and stuff. I got the impression it was over. Then when I went out of the interview booth, I started to wonder if the interview was indeed over, or was it just the overview portion of the interview that was finished. Puzzling indeed. The interview was so fast that I didn't know that my questions at the end were finishing questions. If that was the case, I would have asked them a million more questions just to impress them. Hmm....... I dunno. Whatever happens happens. If I get a job this first round, what a relief it'll be. But if I dont, I wont be surprised. I'm hopeful, but I don't really expect anything. Whatever happens happens .

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Interviews ... Aaaarrghh!!

I hate interviews. Well, I hate unfair interviews. Man, it takes so much time to prepare for an interview. What's the point of an interview? Simple, it's to fool the employer into thinking that you can do the job at the current time. Honestly, I think the only time you're ready to do a job is when you've actually been on the job for a while. Interviews aren't as bad as being in a TKD tournament, but it sure makes you as nervous. I hate interviews!!!! Well, not really hate, more like I dislike them. I especially dislike looooooooongg interviews with questions that go on and on and are repetitive and just make you wanna kick the interviewer's ass. I'm more of a 20 minute interview dude. I like it straight to the point. No BS, cuz my time is as valuable as the interviewer's time. Damn. .... interviews. They can be reall really annoying.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Bad Day continued ..

Ok, great. I went to the assistant director Ms. Linda Davis and explained why I missed my interview with MOF. To my surprise, she didn't doubt me one bit or showed any sign of disbelief when she heard my bogus "excuse". She said she would take my name off the missed interviews list right away. She even wished me good luck on my other interviews. I guess my acting worked. So things are looking up a bit. I just don't know how Wendy reacted to my snub job. I really don't expect her to pick me for the job. Oh well, that's life. Everything was going fine when I received a Fine Notice from WCRI. I had apparently missed a cleaning shift yesterday. And why did I miss my cleaning shift? Well, I again thought that my cleaning shift was on another day cause I misread the stupid date on the cleaning schedule. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! Why can't they just spell out the stupid month!? That's $25 down the drain. Today has been absolutely annoying. I just hope I'm able to focus again and forget about everything that just happened. Oh well, whatever happens happens. Can't cry over spilled milk.

Bad Day

What a terrible day! Today I was preparing for an interview with my former employer when I was suddenly notified by email that I had actually missed the interview! Saying that I was shocked is a big understatement. I thought my interview was today, June 6, but it turns out that it was June 3! Man, I am pissed. I just screwed myself over. What makes it even worse is that I don't have any other excuse. I was careless, that's it. There's no other reason. The assistant director is gonna have my head on a pike, and I'll probably lose my priveleges as a co-op student worker candidate. I already apologized to Wendy by email, but say goodbye to all chances of returning. I still have to talk to the assistant director and tell her my reasons for missing the interview. If I don't write again, It'll probably be because I killed myself. Bummer ...