Friday, September 03, 2004

A prayer for RG...

I talked today to a batchmate and classmate of mine in my Pisay days, Alfonso Albazon. It was great talking to him again after so many years. He kept me up to date about what has been happening to our former batchmates. Most of the news was pleasant, but one newsbit, regretfully, was hard to swallow. Rhea Gabieta, a classmate of mine in second year (section Jasmin) was raped by a college classmate about 2 years ago. Now, she drifts aimlessly from one boyfriend to another, acting uncontrollably as she slowly loses herself in the pain of that tragic incident. I was shocked to hear the news. Rhea was such a nice girl. She was the one classmate I had that seemed to be full of energy each day. She always had this twinkle on her eye. She was always herself, there was nothing fake about how she acted and presented herself towards others. This genuineness is the one thing I remember most about her. I am deeply saddened by the tragedy that befell her. It seems so unfair that something like that could happen to her. I can only pray that she gets better, that she recovers from the pain and loneliness that she must have felt. Dear God, please come to her aid. Please help her fight the demons that are tormenting her. Give her Your strength. Help her to see the light and see hope. Please encourage her to continue living and improving her life, despite the terrible memories that she lives with. Help her find true love, love that she would cherish and be happy about. Love that could support her when she feels down. Love that will bring her to You, her only Savior. Dear Lord, please be her guide. Guide her to a life that fulfills her dreams and hopes, to a life worth living. Please be by her side always, so that she may find inner peace and again look forward to the future. This I ask in Your mighty name.