Friday, August 20, 2004

First Co-op Experience

My First job was as a research analyst at the Ontario Ministry of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation (now Ministry of Economic Development and Trade; 900 Bay Street, Bay and Wellesley). I spent 2 semesters working here, in the fall of 2003 and the summer of 2004.

I'm very lucky to have worked here at the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. I did a little bit of everything: photocopying, filing, database management, program support, data quality management, recommendations, etc. While working here, I have realized the importance of government institutions and their mandates, and have been facinated by the power and influence of the government and its leaders.

At times it would be hella boring but it's really been a great experience. Every one of my co-workers have been pleasant and have treated me very well. I cannot ask for more. My bosses give me responsibilities and appreciate my efforts. They haver never traated me with any negativity and have trusted me and my work. In the future, I hope I will be able to work with people as kind as my coworkers here. Although I wish I could've learned more things here that relates to my course, I have no regrets. I have learned to be organized and responsible, and have now gained experience in order to move on to new things. My goal now is to get into a financial institution, either in government or the private sector. Hopefully, I can make use of the lessons I have learned here to do a good job. I will forever be grateful of my experience here at MEDT, and maybe someday, I can return. Just so I don't forget, I would like to thank these people for making my stay at MEDT a great experience:

Karen Dares
Bruce Graham
Doug Welwood
Mark Nelson
Frances West
Valerie Springer
Gary Turner
Karen Littlejohn
Guy Poirier
Graham Flanagan
Louis Pineda

Nick Choi (Co-op)
Lauren Manske (Co-op)
Tabatha Soltay

Thank you! and may God bless you all!

Programs / projects worked on while at MEDT:
Prosperity Partnerships Fund
Prosperity Demonstration Fund
Risk capital relation to Growth Companies Report/ Presentation to Minister


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